I think this blog is going to replace the traditional hardcopy "Baby Book" of yore. With Squishy, my oldest daughter, there were so many things that should have been recorded- both in words and pictures. This time, I'm taking full advantage of the interwebs to record the miraculous journey from single celled zygote to cooing, pooing infant, to running, screaming toddler.
To get caught up, I took a pregnancy test on April Fool's Day. Jokes on me- it was positive. No, this was not planned. What with having made the decision to attend school full-time starting in August 2009, having quit my job, this may not have been the best timing to bring a new little life into the world, but it was what it was. I've been known to work better while flying by the seat of my pants.
Two weeks later, myself and Squishy went to a free clinic to get an ultrasound to be sure that the Depo Provera shot I received on March 1st hadn't affected my new additions development in any way.

Besides looking slightly like some kind of sea monkey/ant hybrid, everything looked to be where it should be. They estimated my due date at about November 14-16th.
I felt the peanuts first flutters at about 10 weeks.
I started showing (to myself) at about 12 weeks- MUCH earlier than with Sydney.
12 weeks with Squishy:

12 weeks with Squirt:
Big difference, huh? Anyhow...
We had our BIG ultrasound on June 11th- the worst part of which was the undeniably ridiculous request to "Drink 32oz of water starting 1hr before the appt time" that they so carefully wrote on my Rx card to bring with me to the hospital. Really?!?! OK, whatever- I'll indulge in your silly medieval torture-like request. Oh, whats that? The fullness of my bladder is distorting the ultrasound images? Oh, I'm sorry- wasn't it YOU WHO TOLD ME TO DRINK THAT FRIGGIN MUCH IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!
In the end, we got some AWESOME picture of our little girl!

nose/mouth shot
The cutest tootsies on the PLANET! (besides Squishy's, of course!)
Right set of arm/leg
And now, at just a day shy of 24 weeks (which I found out, if just the BEGINNING of your 6th month) little Squirt has developed quite a personality already! She likes to play when I'm trying to eat, sleep or especially when I'm trying to down my (HOT) morning coffee. But she always seems to calm at my touch. She can recognize her sister's voice, and will calmly wiggle when Squishy reads her stories, sings songs, or when we're just being silly together.
Squishy is very matter-of-fact about her upcoming responsibilities, and seems to grasp the almost non-existent list of activities her new baby sister will be able to participate in after her screaming, messy entrance into the mortal world. Squishy does, however, seem quite confident in her ability to teach Baby Squirt the very important skills of talking, walking and relieving herself on the potty instead of in her icky diaper.
Only time will tell if Squishy's ambition pays off.