Friday, November 19, 2010

Welcome Little One!

Wednesday November 11th, I had had just about enough of being pregnant, so I took castor oil to try and get things moving. After 3 hours of "cleaning out the pipes" I passed out on the couch at about 11, and went to bed about 12:30. At 2:30am, I was woken up with what I thought were just cramps from the oil, but they were intense! I waited it out for about an hour to see what was going on, and finally woke Tim up at 3:35am to tell him it was time. We called his parents down the street to come stay with Sydney, packed up the last minute stuff in the car, and headed down to the hospital.

We arrived, and I was 5cm. They got me set up on the monitors and said they would most likely be keeping me. We arrived at about 4:30am and by 5:00 I was starting to get REALLY uncomfortable during the contractions, so I got in the jacuzzi tub. I labored in the tub for an hour and a half and started getting the urge to push during contract
ions, so I got out of the tub and got checked. I was at 9cm already! The midwife said she could break my water and we could start pushing whenever I was ready, so I agreed.

I only pushed for 20-30 minutes- I couldn't tell for sure as there was a lot going on! Adeline Kyna Wilson was born 7:11am on November 10th 2010 and 19 1/2 inches long. She had a headful of dark hair, and a healthy cry!
They placed her right on my chest immediately- Tim says I got such a look of suprise on my face because I didn't think it would be done that quick!

I got to hear her first gurgly cries, dry her off and Tim cu
t her cord. We just cuddled like that with her for a good 45 minutes before they took her to get weighed and measured, which I was suprised about because when the midwife broke my water, she had said there was a bit of meconium in the fluid. We were just soaking in our first moments as a new family.

They just left us revel in the miracle that just took place for a few hours afterward. I barely remember getting stitched up after a 2nd degree tear. It was such an amazing experience to just be left to enjoy the moment instead of being hustled around.

Tim's parents arrived shortly after 11 with Sydney and Dunkin Donuts for Tim- he was starving! Sydney met her baby sister for the first time, and she was great!

Addie was getting fussy from being passed around so much, but Sydney knew just what to do! While I was pregnant, she would sing "You are my Sunshine" to my belly. Well, Addie heard her because when Sydney started singing, she quieted right down! It was the most touching thing to witness!

Our hospital stay was uneventful, and we were discharged the following day, Friday at about 2pm.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Something old, Something new

With my shower being less than a week away, things feel like they're getting down to the wire. A constant line of thought has been "Oh, I've got such-and-such number of weeks left...OMG WAIT STOP! I ONLY HAVE SUCH-AND-SUCH WEEKS LEFT! EEK!" In a weird way, this baby still seems surreal to me. I literally cannot imagine how life is going to be after I have her, and its not for lack of trying. Granted, I have a lot going on in my life right now, and I've wrapped myself up in baby-related things from time to time, but it still seems like its happening to someone else.

Sydney has started VPK, and is requiring additional work (cue canned gasp track) to keep her motivated. Wonder of wonders, she takes after her dear old mum in that "on-level" tasks seem to be beneath her. I have the sinking feeling that the preschool workbook I bought for her before the schoolyear started will very soon need to be replaced with a kindergarten workbook, and possibly 1st grade before the year is up. *sigh* At least she has a fashionable new wardrobe to conquer her academics in!
006-26.jpg picture by Rhyendel
And, in typical Sydney fashion, we have questionable ensembles...
If it makes her happy, right?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Whole Hand!

Even though Sydney's actual birthday isn't until Thursday, we celebrated in a BIG way yesterday. We started off the day at the butt-crack of 7am, much to my dismay, with choruses of "Is it my party yet?" and "When can I open presents?" After breakfast and waking up the other half, I ran around finishing up some last minute errands- cake and balloons and various supplies my already overloaded pregnant brain didn't think about until that very moment like, ya know...forks.

Once everything was set up and organized, it wasn't long before guests started showing up. I insisted on taking pictures of the party preparations- for prosperity's sake.
My good friend Jessica was kind enough to bring by her bounce house for the kids to occupy themselves with until the main event arrived. It always amazes me how often it is that buying something outright ends up being cheaper than renting it. Such is the case of the bounce house.
Guests began trickling in at 12:45, and I promptly entered the Hostess phase of my many masks for the day. Bubble wands and sidewalk chalk were presented for the amusement of FAR too many children under the age of 7 than I cared to admit I had the non-existent sense in inviting. In all reality, it was not the unpleasant experience I make it out to be, but it was ALOT for everyone.
We had various family members without children stop by with birthday wishes for the big girl, but most didn't stay long- it was obvious this was an absolutely kid-oriented party, and I dont blame them one bit for getting the heck outta Dodge while they still could!
Then it was time for the sugar-high of cake before my promised entertainment arrived to wear the kids out for the evening. The cake was a HUGE hit, and the cacophony of voices that rose up in a slightly off-key rendition of "Happy Birthday" was both heart-warming and a reminder of why it is mostly blissfully ignorant drunks that participate in karaoke contests.
Once everyone was properly infested with sugary goodness, it wasn't long before the ever talked-about FunBus arrived. I may have been a bit premature in my announcement to about 12 children between the ages of 3 and 7 of the great beasts arrival, so it was then my responsibility to corral the little rascals until the bringers of said contained fun had a chance to set up. It was not easy, but my background in preschool education served me well. It also erupted a variation of frightened looks and amused grins from the adult party goers.
After several stirring rounds of "If you're happy and you know it" the bus crew declared they were "ready" (yea right- have they MET these kids?) and the crew of merry-makers were off.
The bus was a great break for the adults throwing the party- namely me- to sit down during this blissful intermission and snag a piece of cake for themselves, as re-hydrate before the chaos re-ensued after just a short hour. The kids didn't even seem to notice the sudden absence of their caregivers.
Now that everyone was properly worn out, wearing the afterglow of organized calorie-burning, preschool-style,it was time for the girl of the day to find out what sweet loot she acquired.

Quite frankly, she made out like a bandit.
After all that, I'm seriously considering skipping Christmas this year. Seriously- where am I supposed to put all this fresh loot? Oh yea...
Yea, I still have to clean that...
After the bulk of the guests left, there a small, intimate group left to open, sort, and more importantly, test the new toys before they made it to their ultimate home- seen above.
A team of highly trained Russian circus bears were strapped with the task of assembling all toys that required assembly "by an adult" And by circus bears, I of course mean my ever patient and kid-at-heart fiancée Tim.
God love him, despite his well-known anxiety issues, he never once excused himself from the party, never walked outside under the guise of "we need more ice" or anything of the sort. Seriously, this guy deserves a medal.
Once all the toys were accounted for, Sydney asked that a few of her closest girlfriends stay to "break in" her new toys. I cautiously agreed, and was pleasantly surprised when the group remained calm, cool and collected for 2 hours after the party was to have ceased.
Overall, it was a wonderful day for my wonderful little girl. I put in alot of work putting this shin-dig together, and it was all worth it for the look of absolute wonder that was plastered on my daughter's face all day.

Now, to get planning for next years party.....

Little help here...?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It OK- we're all mad here!

Apparently, the Powers That Be would like to be sure I'm ABSOLUTELY ready for the chaos that will ensue once Squirt is here. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of accomplishments and obstacles. I took my NLN exam for entry into the RN program and scored a 99% Squishy and I had a nice relaxing day at the beach with some treasured family members:
It was slightly overcast, but sometimes thats more dangerous than when its super sunny out, as you're not uncomfortable enough to think "herm- I should re-apply my sunscreen" So Squishy and I both came home with minor sunburns. It was, overall, a glorious day.
Squishy and Grandma Rose...pretending to be on a watery roller coaster? Whatever they were doing, they were having a blast!
In other recent news, Squishy got her first "real" haircut in a salon, and did GREAT!
She also got to dye her hair blue as a reward for good behavior at school for a whole MONTH!
And I have been busily planned her super rad dino-themed birthday party which will be held on August 28th complete with the FunBus!
A good time is sure to be had by all, and all kids are promised to be returned worn out and NOT high on cake (yea right...)
Pictures of that fun extravaganza will be posted afterwards!

Until then, adeiu!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Its a ZOO out there!

Yesterday was our family outing to the Brevard Zoo in Melbourne, FL. It went well, considering the complications- we got rained out and Squishy refused a proper lunch, which led to SUPER MELTDOWN EXTRAVAGANZA!

She was so excited to go that morning:

Luckily, we made it out the door at the respectable time of 10am, and got there at 11am. After being forced to park in the next county over (OK, not really, but thats what it felt like!) Squishy got tired of walking and requested a lift:
It was in the 90's, so it was definitely a tiring day. We saw a few animals, then stopped for a lunch break before hopping on the train tour included in our ticket price. Squishy was oddly off-put by the train, but quickly recovered once we got going and started seeing the African Savannah animals we promised her!
We got to feed some Key Deer- with some help from Tim-Daddy. The does were VERY gentle and Squishy was tickled pink!
We saw Squishy's favorite bird of prey- the Bald Eagle. We stood here for a good 15 minutes just staring
We saw "Giant Whizzys" aka River otters (yes, Whizzy is a ferret!)
Then we tried our hand at feeding the emu- who admittedly, was not quite as gentle as the Key Deer....We left the actual feeding in the capable hands of the Tim-Daddy
Then, we hiked off the refreshing rainforest coolness of the aviary where we fed tiny, yet very bossy Lorikeets from even tinier cups of red nectar mush.
Then, next to the aviary was a beautiful butterfly garden which afforded my camera multiple opportunities to show off its fine focusing prowess!
We entered Expidition Africa just as we were mentioning the plesant coolness that had fallen over the zoo. With full intent to feed the giraffes as promised, we trekked to the viewing platform only to be met with the impregnated drops of what promised to be a fun adventure out to the car in the next few minutes. Not before Squishy demonstrated her intimate knowledge of giraffe anatomy:
And then, the waiting game until our savior, Tim-Daddy, offered to retrieve the car on the midst of the chaos falling from the sky.

Overall, it was a fabulous family day.